Julius Robert

Welcome to my corner of the internet

If you wish to get in touch, you can reach out through any of my social media channels.

Who am I?

My name is Julius Robert. I’m a Software Engineer based in Stockholm, Sweden. I grew up in Västerås and spent most of my time playing video games and nerding around with technology. I also studied maths, hardware, and Computer Science. My career started when I moved to Stockholm in 2014 to work as an IT consultant. I have experience with almost everything in the tech stack. This includes people, as I was a consultant manager for around 3 years.

What am I doing now?

Working with very talented people to scale up a system that is bursting at the seams.

Why did I make this site?

I needed a place to list the books I’ve read, and to actually “finish” a side project. It’s fun to finish things and it gives you a sense of accomplishment. A few other reasons:

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